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Bring Forth The New You

2nd November, 2022

Bring Forth The New You

Just like many of us, there may come a point in life where you might feel that you are not making the level of progress you want. Looking back, you probably cringe at the thought of how you were or still are. You feel this way now because you've gained more insight, you're now wise enough to not to repeat those things of the past.

This is because you have grown! You probably have ideas of who you currently are, based on your past experiences that may not necessarily reflect who you really want to be now. You’ve just discovered the desired version of you.

The New You! You’ve faced so many challenges, spent so many nights weeping and confused, despite all odds, you still found the strength to carry on. You kept on growing.

Congratulations for this achievement. You must be grateful for your past as you let go of it in order to finally move on. You are aware that you have changed, but you still haven't completely let go of the person you used to be.

You are allowing your past to define you. This will hold you back from bringing forth the new you. Truth be told, your past self has helped you get to where you are today.

Acknowledge that you tried your best. Although you may not agree with, or be proud of many of the choices you made in the past. If you want to evolve, you have to release your old self that you no longer identify with. Focus on the path in front of you.

Reclaim your confidence and self-belief. It’s time to move into the new frontier with the new you.

Next time, we’ll talk about letting go of the old you.

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A Message to Garcia

A Message to Garcia is a best-selling inspirational essay by Elbert Hubbard, originally published in 1899. The essay is still required reading within the U.S. Marine Corps.


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