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Understand The Numbers In Your Business and Career To Advance

4th February, 2021

Understand The Numbers In Your Business and Career To Advance

In 2021, Understand The Numbers In Your Business and Career To Advance He gave the world the Pythagoras theorem, that one your sports teacher used to determine the 90-degree edge of the football field, in the village school which did not have a formal measurement tool. In the Great Debate, he made a really strong point: the world is nothing but numbers.

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A Message to Garcia

A Message to Garcia is a best-selling inspirational essay by Elbert Hubbard, originally published in 1899. The essay is still required reading within the U.S. Marine Corps.


The Mindset of A Winner

Winners Don't Make Excuses. "You Want First Place Come Play With Me, You Want Second Place Go Somewhere Else." KOBE BRYANT. The Mindset Of A Winner.