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How To Be The Best You Can Be

After experiencing some deeply unsatisfying years of trying to be successful according to the yardstick offered by others and society in general, I settled and realised a most important truth. Once I understood that my purpose, my reason for being, should drive my feelings, thoughts and actions then I became more comfortable that being the best you can be was indeed the best I could be. That striving for my personal best in congruence with my purpose was and is the most satisfying currency of success.

One of the pillars of success is Challenge, which is about stretching oneself and learning from everything and in the process being the best you can be, which in turn reinforces one’s self belief whether the initial outcome is successful or not.

It can feel impossible to move toward your dreams. You know exactly what you want to do, but there are endless obstacles in your way. There is so much competition or people competing to do exactly what you want to do.

How do you get out of the rat race?
How do you advance quick enough to not have your dreams smashed by perceived reality?
How do you make the needed leaps to move beyond the masses vying for a similar position?

You have bills to pay and lots of responsibilities. You only have a limited amount of time each day. After work and everything else you’ve got going on, it’s easy to justify waiting until tomorrow. Even if you have the raw energy to do your work, you may feel guilty breaking from your relational obligations. There’s so much to learn. It can be easy to doubt our own abilities. Maybe we should just give up and accept reality for whatever it is?

With mindset and lifestyle readjustment, you can climb up in your field. The challenge then becomes to move from there to the top - which movement is the real contest.

This is a framework to quickly get you into the top of your field so you can begin the real quest of becoming the best at what you do.

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Training Programmes

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How To Be The Best You Can Be

It can feel impossible to move toward your dreams. You know exactly what you want to do, but there are endless obstacles in your way. There is so much competition or people competing for the same thing. How do you advance quickly and not have your dreams smashed by perceived reality? Read More»

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Brand Ambassadorship: From CEO To Cleaner

A Brand Ambassador is a hired to represent a brand in a positive light, helping to increase brand awareness and sales. Imagine 10 or 15 of your employees posting on Facebook about your brand and its effectiveness? Encouraging employees to project and write about its brand will greatly augment and expand brand awareness exponentially.Read More»

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Have You Got The Guts?

The first foundational quality one must have to achieve success is having guts. Obstacles will assuredly arise that seek to prevent you from taking your next step to success. They cannot stop you if you have the courage to face and find a way around them. You most certainly can and will get past those obstacles and fears if you have the guts to forge ahead. Read More»

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A Message to Garcia

A Message to Garcia is a best-selling inspirational essay by Elbert Hubbard, originally published in 1899. The essay is still required reading within the U.S. Marine Corps.


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